Nashville will soon be home to a California Art Invasion!
Californians are moving to Nashville in droves. In fact, in the last five years, the number of Californiansmoving to the city has increased by 50%. While some may attribute this migration to the city’s lower cost of living, no state income tax, and Southern hospitality, others say it’s because Nashville is becoming the new Silicon Valley. While the city does have a growing tech industry, it also has a lot to offer in terms of a burgeoning food and culture scene, all types of music and outdoor activities. "We are having an exhibition of California artists because Nashville is bursting with life and great artists want to exhibit their work in downtown Nashville," said Jorge Arrieta, director of CHAUVET Arts.
James Leonard's paintings are an attempt to integrate his profound respect for individuality withthe process of making art. He works within an introspective, intuitive fashion and strives to bring apersonal sensibility to the work. “Imposing my will upon the work does not allow the work to tell mehow and where it wants to go. Standing back and entering into a relationship with the work based onrespect and trust, allows for this inner dialogue to take place.”
Buckley, a multi-disciplinary artist, uses her work to emphasize feminine principles and self-inquirypractices as key pathways to harmony. “My paintings and drawings are my teachers. They remind me ofthe softness within me, around me. They are all my secret longings and celebrations for touch, embrace,connection. They are solutions, they are what I want to see more of in the world.”
Nalini ‘Deedee’ Cheriel’s work explores narratives that recognize the urgency and conflict in ourcontinuous attempts to connect to the world. With varying influences such as East Indian templeimagery, punk rock, and her Pacific Northwest natural environment, Cheriel's images reflect how wetry to connect ourselves to others and how these satirical and heroic efforts are episodes of compassionand discomfort.
Richard Downs transfigures painting and printmaking into a visual mythology celebrating humanconnectedness. Classically trained, Downs has worked with multiple national periodicals andnewspapers ranging from Smithsonian Magazine to the New York Times. "I want the viewer to see the archetypal relationship of the figures at first read and then to metaphorically feel the connection to themselves and to the world around them."
Jason William Adams focuses on drawing, painting and mixed-media collage. Letting the materialsdirect the process, allowing room for spontaneity and surprise, the aim is to continuously extend the range of his talents.
"This exhibition is an opportunity for Nashvillians and travelers to experience great artwork in avariety of styles," said Arrieta. “Don't worry, I'm a Nashville native and have no intention of turningNashville into L.A. The South is distinctive and Nashville is a special place that we want to cherish withits unique styles, stories, and character that make it authentic. And like us, California is unique andmany great artists call it home.
CHAUVET Arts is very excited to be able to showcase the talent of theseartists to a wider audience here.”“Californian Art Invasion” will be shown from 1/07/23 through 3/25/23 during gallery hours, Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.