Most of us have heard the saying, “April Showers Bring May Flowers” and understand its surface meaning - that the rain will give way to growth. Digging a little deeper, we may notice that often adversity is followed by good fortune. CHAUVET Arts' exhibition, "Showers Spring", highlights the balance between opposing forces and the accord that can be achieved through embracing the ups and downs of life.
Through various mediums and styles the artists showcase the idea that difficulties can often lead to growth and change. "Our goal with this exhibit is that the artworks on display can be used as a source of inspiration or even motivation," said gallery director Jorge Arrieta. "Visitors to the exhibition will be able to see how the artists have taken this theme and transformed it into visually stunning pieces that evoke emotion and thought."
Overall, "Showers Spring" uses vivid and nature-inspired imagery to create a passage of time, the changing of seasons, and to evoke a feeling of renewal and growth. It serves as a reminder not to cling to any comfort of life but to embrace the difficulties and to even say "yes" to them just as one would welcome the coming of a spring day. We know this is much easier said than done and that is why we have curated this exhibition with a wide and remarkable selection of artworks.
The show is on display at CHAUVET Arts in downtown Nashville from March through the end of June, 2023. We look forward to seeing you there with the hope that you discover an artwork that will give a sense of guidance and balance as we transition into the spring season. Gallery operating hours are Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.